Growing HOLL OSR


What's involved in growing HOLL OSR?



HOLL oilseed rape has no specific agronomic needs that differ from conventional oil seed rape (OSR) varieties. The main differences come in preventing contamination to ensure the quality of the High Oleic, Low Linolenic oil profile is preserved. Growers are advised to take the following factors into consideration:


Volunteer Control

It is important to minimise non-HOLL OSR contamination. It does not need to be virgin OSR land but a break of 4 or more years is requested, potentially less if volunteer control has been good. Using stale seedbed techniques to control volunteers is advised. Use best practice regarding the movement of drills or combines from other oilseed rape crop types. Be particulary careful to keep HOLL OSR crops and grain away from HEAR OSR crops and grain.


Weed Control

As well as volunteers, some weed species naturally contain high levels of linolenic fatty acids or erucic acid. If a significant contamination is found and can’t be eliminated then it should be harvested separately and a sample sent for oil quality analysis.


Harvesting & Storage

It is important to be able to segregate HOLL crops from other oilseed rape crop types during harvesting, storage and transportation. It is also advisable to store any part of the crop separately that may be contaminated by volunteers or weeds until oil quality has been analysed.